Originally Posted by biznatch
Well, you see, human society often considers itself to be of a higher conscious level than the other living organisms. Most of us have a set of morals, such as not killing other human beings without a valid reason (and let's not go into what is justified, and what's not). Another one of these consent before intercourse. Being the alleged "more advanced" species, we shouldn't go by their sets of morals, but our own.
As for the subject of eating animals, the "need"(or rather, desire) to have sex is secondary, and the need to eat is the primordial need.
Very good point. I don't particularly agree that we need to invariably apply our own moral standards when dealing with other creatures. It should be on a case by case basis, objectively taking into account the consequences, if any. But really, thats just me, you probably made the strongest point in the thread with that paragraph.
Jerking off involves only one person. Sex involves two people (or creatures). Therefore I would say sex affects more than yourself, and therefore society can have a say on what's acceptable when it comes to sex.
just my 2 cents.
Well, if the person owns the animal then it is part of his private patrimony and as such does not involve society or anything. Its not like the donkey is going to abuse his children in return or cost the state thousands in therapy fees or whatever. The effect ends with the animal. (This is all given that the animal is physically capable of taking part in the act without being uncommonly damaged)