Both those links are sad, but it will take an attitude change in those countries to make conditions better for laborers. I'm not sure about UAE, but in Kuwait, full blooded Kuwaitis are given yearly stipends from the government (much more than enough to live lavishly; if you are full blooded). The Kuwaitis only work government jobs, anything else is seen as below them, and so the division line appears. Kuwaitis in general see themselves as above others, especially Sri Lankans, Indians and Filipinos who are hired for cheap to come build their homes, work their malls and restaurants. I as an American was not seen as an equal, but was definitely treated with respect where I noticed the poor Filipinos being treated like dirt.
It would take the citizens of those countries to realize that construction, and such jobs are respectable, and the people working them are actually people, and not just temporary mouths to feed, bodies to house.
If you've ever been to Delhi, you'll realize that the subpar (to us) housing they are living in in Dubai is a luxury condo compared to the shanty they MIGHT have in Delhi. I didn't see any Indians or Sri Lankans in Kuwait laying immobile on a sidewalk in filth-soiled rags shaking miserably as he held a pan out for money, or young children and adults running around the train tracks searching for anything tossed out a window that would be passable as food, but in Delhi I saw this everytime I rounded a corner or hopped on a train.
The living conditions for these workers are awful, but also look at the living conditions they came from, and maybe then judge if they are better off or not.