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Old 04-03-2007, 02:36 PM   #98 (permalink)
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Location: Washington DC
Pan..I havent seen anyone here condone illegal immigration.

What I find offensive is the over-the-top reaction, starting with a false assumption:
Illegal Aliens commit a felony when they cross the border illegally..
**as I understand current immigration law, crossing the border without proper documentation is an "unlawful act" which is less than a misdomeanor (like jaywalking) and overstaying a visa is a misdomeanor.**

followed by:
I am willing to vote for politicians that will put up fences, a deadman zone and give orders to shoot to kill any and all illegals trying to cross the border.
** you dont shoot and kill for a misdomeanor offense**

and the equall outrageous:
The ILLEGAL is a parasitic disease minded criminal that comes here and takes all they can and demands we change for them.
** an ugly and ignorant characterization**

What the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT wants is to have everything handed to him and to be a parasite on our nation. They aren't trying to better our country... they want our country to accomodate them and they expect us to roll over and do whatever they want us to.
*** what most of "them" want is to provide for their families*

where they can get drunk, run over a 16 year old girl and "disappear" or rob a store at gunpoint and the worse
*** most illegals go about quietly doing their job, paying taxes (yes they pay taxes) and minding their own business. The criminals among them should be treated as criminals.***
I'll say again, I dont condone illegal immigration. We have a problem, that we, as a nation, must confont. It starts with toning down the rhetotic and finding a solution that meets the level of the "crime", is reasonable and practical, and serves the best interest of the country.

IMO, that is to provide a path towards citiizenship for most of the illegals here (those who are contributing with jobs, no criminal record, etc) along with paying back taxes and a fine, and getting in line (in some fashion) for proper documentation.

The alternative is to round-up 12+ million illegals, and looking beyond the feasibility of such a measure, one can only wonder how many legals would be caught up in such a sweep.
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire

Last edited by dc_dux; 04-03-2007 at 02:49 PM..
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