Adorable one decides to throw a tantrum in public.
Thru the screaming and crying, tell adorable one to stick out his/her tongue.
Tongue out, now ask adorable one to sing his/her alphabet(adorable one will still be crying, but sticking out tongue nonetheless in the belief it will somehow help). Singing the alphabet with tongue hanging out while trying not to sob-priceless.
Cutey-pie doesn't like veggies? Chop raw spinach small as possible, add to favorites.
Keep food dye around-ask what colored eggs will we be eating today?
This one worked for years: Daughter was having really bad dreams and would wake us up to share. One night, tired of hearing her stories, I took her first teddy bear and told her: "This is your bad dream bear. Whenever you have a bad dream, tell him and hug him and he will take it away." She swore he really did!
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.