Some very well thought out and insightful posts there Abaya.
I think the thing that I would like to point out about all this, and something that Abaya touched on, is a matter of choice.
No 11 year old is not in the position to make a well informed decision as to weather they should sleep around or stay pure. But nor should they be committed to something they're really not going to have much understanding of at that age.
We all know teenagers have raging hormones and are going to want to fuck like rabbits, and for the most part, a majority of teenagers are still not going to be mature enough consider the consequences of being sexually active. But I know one thing, if you want teenagers to do something, just tell them they're forbidden to do it.
But if you're of a mature enough age and mind to make these decisions for yourself, you should be able to, and not still have this vow looming over your head to make you feel guilty. I just don't think it's fair to make someone make a promise that realistically they're going to seriously consider breaking later in life. What does that teach our young about the sanctity of vow, honor, and promise?
To be honest, there is far to much emphasis on sex in our lives as it is. I really don't this it's important or has any bearing on someone as a person whether they choose to stay a virgin till marriage, sleep around, don't sleep around, like anal, hate anal, or whatever. As long as you've made the choices about your sexuality that YOU want to make and are perfectly comfortable about them, than it's really no ones business except you and your sexual partners. At the end of the day, it only defines you as a person if you choose to make it define you. But if the only thing you can say about yourself as a person is that you can fuck, then you might need to have a good long stare at yourself in the mirror.
Any how, that's just my view on it all.
You are not a slave