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Old 04-02-2007, 08:03 PM   #71 (permalink)
All important elusive independent swing voter...
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Originally Posted by willravel
Yes, they should learn English. Yes, Gingrich is a pompous ass.

Will, this is the perfect post. Sums it up quite nicely.

Originally Posted by archetypal fool
Thanks to the shroud of anonymity of the internet, I can safely say that my parents and I came here illegally. I also know of four others who did the same, all with kids. Today, we're all *American Citizens*. I, along with some of the other kids, am getting a college education. About half are now successful (one owns his own company and speaks English...kinda), but that's due to family ties and tons of help from family. I come from the other half, from people who work their hands and feet to the bone just to make enough money to pay for food, rent, and even send money back to estranged family in Cuba. As I stated above, it just isn't possible to work full time and immerse yourself into learning another language.

How can you make such a distastefully gross generalization about immigrants. It seems you base your image of immigrants from the roving Mexican gangs of the west or something.

I can tell you for a fact that of those who came here illegally, when the opportunity came, became citizens, and they'd gladly defend this country to the death. To think otherwise is foolish. You seem to think that all immigrants come here to take your tax money and health care. You're making them the enemy, and you couldn't be further from the truth.

You need to learn to see people as human beings, not numbers and foreign entities who come to take your shit. It's funny...If it were up to you, my family and I, as well as so many genuinely wonderful people who have fallen into bad times through no fault of their own, would all be dead in your blessed "deadman's zone".
Nope. Your anecdote is just you. I know many illegals who do not think the way you do. At all. I am surrounded by themand have to endure the dirty looks by them all day long.

I do see people as human beings and it is a two-way street. It is they who do not see me as a human being despite my friendly overtures. Even when I speak Spanish I have to put up with the rolled eyes and nasty attitudes.

When we speak of illegals, it is ALL illegals. I don't care if they are British, Canadian, Mexican, Chines or Indonesian. Go and apply for a visa and get in line like the rest of us. We are a great nation of immigrants no doubt, but it is totally wack for one group to keep demanding special treatment when the rest of us did it the legal way and learned the local language.

English is my second language but I am doing just fine thank you. I have a decent grasp and command of the language and do my best to everyday.

I really don't understand why they refuse to learn when the rest if us did, including my 84 year old grandma who now, funny enough, teaches English to other immigrant grandmas.

Originally Posted by pigglet
in a related thought, i find it interesting to juxtapose the concern that many americans are feeling over the concept with a national language and the preservation of american english, with the fact that thanks to the economic and political/military domination of the british empire and the united states, english is the dominant language of business and intellectual thought throughout the world. i guess chinese could eventually take that over, but i don't think english is on the way out any time soon. i wonder if this conversation occurred with latin? i'm sure it must have.

i personally would like to see a hightened emphasis on learning languages in our schools, and yes it would seem that spanish would be a wise choice. i recognize that its an issue worthy of serious consideration, and certainly having a common language helps with communication; but i don't see it warranting this level of hysteria.
I don't know if it's really hysteria but rather more of an annoyance thing. We do learn a second language in school, it's required for graduation both in high school and in college. No one is against Spanish or Mexicans, I think people are more against the idea of people not willing to learn the language that unifies the various diversity of our nation's peoples. I think that distinction often gets lost in the discussion because people get so riled up and obessed with making it an anti-Latino thing.

Spanish is not a very good choice. I only use Spanish for casual use such as taco stands or communicating with laborers. Chinese is by far the smarter decision in picking up a second language, especially if you want to do business or work at a MNC that does a lot of business with China. But even then, you probably really don't have to since most Chinese already speak English as it is compulsory for them to learn in school.

Originally Posted by djtestudo
Oh, I agree completely.

If I was in charge (STOP LAUGHING!) I would have it so that it was as easy as possible to get people in legally, with no limits or anything like that, while keeping our borders secure. I would even (against my fiscal conservatism) go so far as providing accelerated English and citizenship programs for those who would want to do it, with short-term welfare benefits upon completion (basically a couple months until they became settled and employed).

If people want to be here, for the right reasons, we should welcome them. However, if they don't want to follow our rules (and by being illegal, they are, even if they are perfect citizens otherwise) they shouldn't be given anything.
This is a lovely post DJ, I agree with you completely. Well written.

Last edited by jorgelito; 04-02-2007 at 08:21 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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