Originally Posted by willravel
Is this an April Fools joke, or were you serious when you posted this? If you were serious, then you should delete your post. "Top 5 Most Ignorant Post[s] Ever" is absolutely inappropriate.
I am serious. I've taken some time and still think that the first post was assinine. My comment stands untouched.

The fact that he's applying one standard to his family and a completely different one to Hispanics offends me to my core. I think that I responded inappropriately. If you really want to start this conversation, why don't you recall that you once called every Christian throughout history an "idiot". Let me know if you need a link to that post. Glass houses, will, glass houses.
Originally Posted by djtestudo
First, we're talking about Hispanics, so I don't think your first comment there is called for.
As for the second part, what I would suggest is to go to that Ukranian area, and see how many of the actual Ukranians still speak their old language as the primary language.
People tend to gravitate towards similar people, whether it is race, ethnicity, religion, etc. (Which I'm sure is not a revelation, but it needs to be stated). You'll probably find that the original ethnic residents of those neighborhoods started to move out as they learned the language and started to assimilate their culture and beliefs into the general "American" culture.
Education and communication breed cultural mixing.
Fine, the edit out the portions of my comments that pertain to non-Latins and insert: Puerto Ricans, Columbians, Venezualans and Dominicans. I know first generation immigrants from all of these nations/territories. Their English skills range from non-existant to heavily accented but fluent.
The demise of the Ukranian Village as a enclave of Ukranians is more a representation of the fact that the original "settlers" of the area have died off, and their children moved elsewhere. That's the historical trend with almost all ethnic enclaves, especially in Chicago. One group moves in, the children become more successful than the parents and move the entire family elsewhere. It is a trend that's repeated over and over in neighborhood after neighborhood across the country. The exceptions tend to be areas where there's been a constant flow of immigrants coming from the home country (i.e. Chinatown in San Francisco), but those are few and far between.