Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Unless they're Indian. Or Chinese. Or Guatamalan. Or Honduran. Or Brazilian. Or French. Or Bulgarian. Or Russian. Or Lebanese. You get the idea.
Let me assume for the second that you're not as ignorant as you sound here and point out that every single immigrant group that's ever moved to North America sets up it's own neighborhood. Ever heard of the Ukrainian Village in Chicago? Not that many Ukrainians there any more since the Peurto Ricans moved in a few years ago, but it used to be a place where there was more signs in Cyrillic than English. My own neighborhood in Chicago was predominantly Swedish until about 20 years, but it's now more heterogenous. I'm not even going to mention, Greektown, Little Italy, Chinatown, Little Saigon or other neighborhoods that have counterparts in lots of other cities around the country.
First, we're talking about Hispanics, so I don't think your first comment there is called for.
As for the second part, what I would suggest is to go to that Ukranian area, and see how many of the actual Ukranians still speak their old language as the primary language.
People tend to gravitate towards similar people, whether it is race, ethnicity, religion, etc. (Which I'm sure is not a revelation, but it needs to be stated). You'll probably find that the original ethnic residents of those neighborhoods started to move out as they learned the language and started to assimilate their culture and beliefs into the general "American" culture.
Education and communication breed cultural mixing.
True, but it takes time to learn a new language. Personally, I've always had trouble learning new languages, as seen by the solid C's I posted in high school and college in several languages. It wasn't for lack of trying - I'm just not very good at it. Expecting people to show up being fluent in English is completely unreasonable and goes against the basic reason that all of our ancestors moved here.
This is a good point. We should be doing all that we can to provide education for these people.