Originally Posted by samcol
Every other immigrant class eventually learned English, why should Hispanic people be different?
I'm not saying that they
should be different. Quite the contrary, actualy. The asimilation into an English speaking America has historically taken a few generations. It will happen, I have no doubt. But, it will not happen overnight...despite redneck epithets that "those mexicuns lurn to talk good 'mericun".
While I don't feel that special consideration should be made, especially where it relates to taxpayer expense, to accomodate non-english speaking immigrants...neither should unrealistic expectations be made of them, to learn.
Now, granted, it was easier for
my anscestors, some 300 years ago. They really didn't
need to assimilate. They remained, quite comfortably, in their own little community. Todays immigrant has quite a bit to overcome.