Originally Posted by Plaid13
This was a 7th grade class. whats that 12 years old about? Most 12 year olds have already seen a glimps of porn somewhere or another.
7th grade is 13 years old.... usually.
All I know is that at 13 I had already seen a whole lot more porn than is contained within pop-ups.
Just reading that law made my head spin. "Morals are likely to be impaired..." Who's morals? Your morals? My morals? What the hell is a piece of legislation doing with such ambiguous and undefined terms?
According to the description of the events as I read them, she's not guilty of anything more than leaving the classroom and not knowing how to work a piece of classroom equipment. Hell, my brother killed a woman(prostitute, long story) and all he faced for that was 28 years(+ another 5 for aggravated kidnapping). She's in control of a room of kids that manage to glimpse some nipples and genitals, but faces up to 40 years, craziness.....