Originally Posted by archetypal fool
I assume you're referring to Spanish people.
He very well may have. But, I didn't read it that way. Were I to chose to emigrate to El Salvadore, Germany, Japan, France, India...what have you...then it would be up to me to learn the language of that country.
Originally Posted by archetypal fool
It isn't as simple as "just learn the language."
Perhaps not.
My "family" emigrated to the U.S. in the early 18th century. They spoke German. They settled with other German speakers. It was well into the third generation before any of the family papers began to be written in English. So, by self imposed isolation, there was little incentive to learn English. But, there was also no effort made by the government to accomodate the German language. Sooner or later, they had to assimilate.
Originally Posted by archetypal fool
Never lose sight that these are people we're talking about, with loved ones who depend on them, not just viruses that come here to exploit your (our) wealth of economy (that's the way some people see us).
Some people do. That's the way of immigration. Not excusing it, nor condoning it, but that's the way that it is. The German immigrants went through it, the Itallian immigrants went through it, the Irish immigrants certainly went through it, as did every other ethnic group that you can think of. It's human nature. That said...personally, I find that most of the Hispanic immigrants, that I've met, are the hardest working sons-of-bitches that ever seen in my life. They're working on the dream that most of us forgot about.
Originally Posted by archetypal fool
I think I speak for us when I say I'm sorry, but we really have no other choice.
Don't apologize. 99.9% of us here are descended from people that were kicked out of every decent country in the world. Damn few of us are "native". Work hard and contribute, and I welcome you with open arms. In fact, I see many a parasitic "American" that I'd like to open up an exchange program with.