Thread: Lost season 3
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Old 04-01-2007, 05:11 AM   #257 (permalink)
Darth Papa
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Originally Posted by pmb145
The Pikki episode was ok. I'm really disappointed that they didn't throw in any small 'wow' moments that pertained to the big story. Maybe they did and we just don't know yet.
I thought the glimpse of Ben and Juliette in the Pearl hatch was a pretty big deal. It shows us that the plan to have Jack operate on Ben was in play from sometime before the middle of the second season. It shows us that Ben didn't have surveillance access to the Swan hatch from the barracks or the Hydra--he had to go to the Pearl to look in on the Losties.

The "wows" in this episode were of the looking-backward variety. The things that we've thought were ill-advised moves by the writer/producers now turn out to have been part of a story we didn't know yet. The way this episode meshed with everything else that's been happening was very, very clever.
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