If you had a bacterial infection, you would take an antibiotic. If you cut yourself badly, you'd bandage it appropriately. You are going quite to the contrary of "natural" and, as a result, are experiencing pain. So, masturbate. If you're not enjoying it, evaluate what it is that you're using as source material. I can understand that you don't feel any attachment to porn, but you should reconsider your "addiction" theory... we're not talking about starting a Meth or Crack habit, we're talking about masturbation- and yes, you're somewhat bound to it, as the pain in your testicles is keeping you well aware.
So find something that feels pleasurable or exciting to help ease you into an erection, and then get rid of that back-up of sperm. The pain you're experiencing is your body's way of saying, "Yes! This is natural! It's not SUPPOSED to be ignored like this!"- listen to it.
[tough love]
Past that, there's only so much anyone is going to listen to you if you complain of pain but shun the one simple thing everyone is telling you to do- and that you need to do- to relieve it. Feel free to believe what you like about it being addictive or something you're "bound to", but i'm strongly suggesting that your priorities are seriously skewed in this case. Take the problem in hand, or you're just going to have to accept that no one here will care if you're in pain, because- and here's the important bit- you know how to fix it, and you won't get much sympathy over a medical problem that has a really simple fix. Not for nothing, but I'm sure cancer patients wish they could just crank one off to relieve their pain. You know what you need to do, figure out how to make it work for you.
[/tough love]