Originally Posted by jRuntlets
The shots are generally in the $360-380 range, lots of insurances are actually covering them so have your doctor's office call yours. They give the shots intramuscularly (IM), I had mine in the bicep. They make you wait 15 minutes after your first shot to make sure there is no reaction. Oddly enough I didn't have a reaction to the shot but to the band-aid they used on me. It's been almost a week and I still have a solid red band-aid outline on my arm.
This is what I know Lady Sage, I hope it helps.
I think my insurance covered most of the expense for the shots but I don't deal with that stuff at the moment so don't take my word for it. I was told you're supposed to get the shot in muscle but you can opt to do it in your butt rather than your arm. My sister did that for some reason and didn't complain of anything out of the ordinary. I would ask them if you'd like to get it somewhere other than that, they may be able to do it. They made me wait around after my first shot too but not for my second one (which caused more soreness than the first one).
I take off the bandaids almost as soon as I get out of the office but I never have any problems with bleeding so if you do you'll want to leave the bandaid.
Also, the risk of actually getting hpv is next to nothing because the vaccine does not use the virus but rather a different substance which produces the same response from a person's immune system.