Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
I thought about commenting on this thread before, but I ignored it. I do, however, have something to say now: No one should care how someone else decides to raise their children unless it breaks the law. If you don't agree with it, then raise your children differently. What's odd to you isn't odd to someone else and vice versa. It's simple, really.
What the fuck?
The State exists to enforce the will of the people when the people are incapable of enforcing it via non-coercive means. There is no inherent correleation between legality and goodness, nor a lack of responsibility for the common citizen to offer judgment on community standards issues.
Just because it's
not illegal for someone to teach their kids that women are objects and property doesn't mean the rest of us have to stand by twiddling our thumbs until Johnny grows twisted enough to rape the shit out of someone's daughter. Not that it matters- she was an unpure fornicating whore that didn't know her place.
You can preach a morality thats
not illegal with little fear of State interference. And we can tell you (and your kids) that your
not illegal morality is fucked in the head. It'll work itself out... unless, of course, we all go "Well it's
not illegal... so I guess it must be A-Okay!"