I'm still wearing my tin foil hat and still making my pets their own pet food.
Now it's Hills (aka Colgate Palmolive) that has been exposed as selling pet food that contains poisons.
This shit has been going on for YEARS folks.
Hence the reason so many cats have kidney problems (mine included, before I switched her to real food)
TORONTO — A massive North American pet food recall got even bigger Friday as Hills Pet Nutrition recalled one of its brands of dry cat kibble for fear it contained melamine, the same toxin that forced Menu Foods to pull “cuts and gravy” products from shelves across the continent.
Hills recalled its Prescription Diet m/d Feline Dry food after melamine, a chemical used as a fertilizer in Asia and also to make plastic kitchenware, was identified as the likely culprit in the Menu Foods recall — one of the largest of its kind ever in North America.
“Hill's is taking this precautionary action because during a two-month period in early 2007, wheat gluten for this product was provided by a company that also supplied wheat gluten to Menu Foods,” the company said in a statement on its website.
“U.S. Food and Drug Administration tests of wheat gluten samples from this period show the presence of a small amount of melamine.”
The tainted wheat gluten was produced in China and distributed by a lone unidentified American company, U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Cornell University scientists said Friday.
Their findings contradict the New York State Food Laboratory's tests, which pointed to aminopterin — a rat poison — as the likely culprit.
The important thing is that officials have isolated wheat gluten as the tainted ingredient, said Paul Henderson, CEO of Menu Foods, the Mississauga, Ont., pet food manufacturer at the centre of one of the continent's largest-ever consumer-product recalls.
“Regardless of what might be the causative agent, the vehicle that delivered the problem into our supply chain was the wheat gluten,” Mr. Henderson told a news conference Friday.
“The fact that we now have that comfort allows us to stand up and say that we're not using the wheat gluten anymore and that the products that were manufactured subsequent to the 6th of March are safe.”
At a news conference in Washington, U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials said a batch of the tainted wheat gluten, provided by an unnamed American supplier, was also shipped to a company that manufactures dry pet food.
Officials are still trying to determine whether the company actually used any of the tainted wheat gluten in its dry pet food, said Stephen Sundlof, director of the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine.
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