I'm with pai mei, I'd rather concentrate on what the two have in common then their differences. Asaris' definitions of both are very general in nature anyway, and many of these could be disputed. The idea that all Christians must 'deny the self' is an out dated concept and most denominations don't concur with this belief. I could go on but I'd rather not get into another religious discussion that goes no where. Whatever you want to believe is your right & privilege, more power to ya.
Some might consider me a non-denominational Christian, but that really doesn't cover it. I also adhere to some Buddhist, and Native American beliefs, such as everything is sacred, the Earth, the sky, every rock and blade of grass. Some body must come up with a name for this besides, Multi- Religious. How about BuddChristNativeism??? Doesn't flow very well, and I'm sure someone would call me a blasphemer!!
Anything that helps bring people together, instead of concentrating on the differences, must be a good thing. Unfortunately there will always be the die hards who insist on their tiny interpretation of faith, and that it must be the correct one. The civil war in Iraq is between two Islamic sects that disagree about who should have been the rightful successor to lead Islam. To bad they cant concentrate on the fact that they're all Muslims.
Syriana...have you ever tried liquid MDMA?....Liquid MDMA? No....Arash, when you wanna do this?.....After prayer...