Originally Posted by pai mei
Rosie O'Donnel speaks out about 9/11. She has nothing to gain by this. I admire her courage.
The official investigation began 400 days after the attack - only at the request of the victim's fammilies, the governemnt had no intention to investigate on their own, they "knew" all from day one.
They spent 600000 $ on it , and they had a lot to investigate : 4 planes, NORAD not working, 3000 victims, thousands of witnesses
WTC 7 did not even make it in the report
On Monica Lewinsky they spent 40 million $
Who wants to find more search 9/11 on google and google video
It's awesome that so many viewers are being exposed to 9/11 infomation. Hopefully it won't be long until this totally goes mainstream.