Originally Posted by willravel
Well you're always welcome here.
Many of us, myself included, are very interested in beginning impeachment proceedings as soon as is possible. I wanted him simply removed from office back in 2000. He never actually won, so he wouldn't require an impeachment, just security. The funny thing is, I'd say that 70+% of Americans want the war to be over and don't like Bush. That he had to rely on cheating in order to win both of his elections reflects better on us than an actual win would have. The real short coming would be that not enough people know the details about when he cheated.
Back on topic, the police are supposed to enforce the law. Sometimes the law isn't important. It's up to the individual cop to know what to do. If I were a cop, I'd do everything I could to help the less fortunate. Not all agree.
According to the American sponsored Nuremberg articles, Dimwit and his followers are indictable war criminals. These fugitives from global justice justify their rapacious invasions, and the continuing occupation of long since proven innocent countries, by hypocritically claiming their leaders are
possible war criminals, or
perhaps have one of the hundreds of thousands of WMD that they have in their gargantuan arsenal.
This astounding double standard HAS to be apparent to supporters of the War on T-u-u-r from both sides of the political aisle. Any way, not knowing the law is no excuse anywhere I know of.
For instance, I’d suggest the silent majority of Germans and Japanese didn’t want a bar of their religio-political war party’s campaigns of foreign conquest. Ditto the nationalistically conditioned drones on both sides in WW1, whose priests and pastors had convinced them that Christ and his genocidal Daddy blessed their murderous endeavours. This didn't give them a get-outta-jail-free card when the shit hit the fan. Nor should it.
As with other rogue nations through history, it is always a
minority of faux “decent family values” folk who support dictators like Dimwit. And the overwhelming majority of them motivate the rest of the rent-a-mind masses with religion.
Sadly the only way to get the (evidently)
indecent majority to rise up and depose the sham
moral minority that governs them is to exterminate both them
and their moralistic masters. As the sickeningly decent “Allies” did to the "evil" Germans and Christ denyin’ Japs in WW2. This is the traditional and accepted way that renegade countries, who threaten or disturb world peace, are bought back in line. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!
I jest of course, but I’m sure you get my point.
I say moral
minority, because it is obvious that religions are geographically determined. That is, if you are born in America it is highly unlikely you will be Shinto or Hindu. I mean let’s be fair dinkum here, most God-bothering Bubbas wouldn’t recognise the communistic Christ if he was up their rattler-worshipping arses with an armful of chairs!
What is most depressing is knowing that another “decent” demagogue, probably from the democratic side of politics this time, will take Dimwit’s place, spouting the same religiously inspired national supremacist shit that narcissists love to hear, to get the uninformed masses to invade yet another “evil” feeble foe of their own creation.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
And still, how did you come to this conclusion? It's not as if the American people knew what would happen in the future when Bush was re-elected. We're all geniuses in hindsight...
Still, I believe you're missing the most crucial point in all of this. If the government decides to go to war, then there's nothing I can nor any other American citizen can do about it. Besides, have you seen the approval ratings on the war in Iraq? I can't remember what the exact number is, but it's ridiculously low.
You wouldn't know it from some of your responses...
If the government decides to go to war, then there's nothing I can nor any other American citizen can do about it.
You might want to ponder the significance of this statement, my democratic (?) friend.