The media influences our internal "standards of beauty" 100%.
I have no delusions that I am powerful enough to resist the media environment I inhabit. Nor do I think I am in any way free - especially as regards thinking my own thoughts or having feelings that are unmediated by the inestimable power of mass media.
Do not confuse your inability to separate yourself from your media influences with a universal inability to do so. I do not have difficulty if you say that media influences YOUR idea of beauty 100%, but you cannot claim that this is 'our' position.
Furthermore, it is not a delusion to acknowledge that you can seperate yourself from your external influences. I believe the most defining characteristic of a strong individual is their ability to filter external stimuli and determine it's relevance to their internal consciousness.
The power of mass media is certainly strong, but making the argument that we are hapless pawns to the power of the media gives no credit to individuals who are able to exercise their understanding of themselves and a determined sense of self control.
And oops.. I meant "different," not difficult. :-D