Originally Posted by Rekna
I guess it comes down to what is more important. Owning an assault rifle or being granted habeas corpus and a trial by jury.
So tell me which is more important the right to openly bear arms or the right to a just legal system?
What exactly makes one part of the Bill of Rights more important than another? Is it because one directly affects you and the other only indirectly if any at all? I just think it's pretty damn convenient for the Democrats to point all these fingers while taking the back door to deny the rights of other Americans.
Don't get me wrong, I am just as concerned about all the other injustices and loss of rights as you but I find it particularly disturbing that most Democrats have little conscience in regards to rights granted us that don't necessarily fit their picture of a perfect world. Then to top it off I get on here and find out I'm responsible for it all because I voted for Bush. Here's a clue, you don't even have to buy it because today it's free. If the Democrats nominate someone that doesn't have all every single member of the gun control lobby in their back pocket frothing at a chance to further limit our rights perhaps the White House in '08 is viable. Be as concerned about all of our rights, even if it doesn't interest you or concern you because it's important to one of your fellow Americans. Don't pick and choose the ones you feel are important. One is as important as the next, thats why every single one of them was included on that piece of paper we all hold so dear. Has any of you noticed that most of the Democrats elected in the previous election that allowed the Democrats to take control of the House and Senate was fairly conservative? That alone should be clue enough.
And don't blame me because I voted for Bush. So far the only ones inconvenienced by his lack of fortitude regarding our rights have been extremist assholes that feel it's their duty to kill everyone that doesn't subscribe to their particular interpretation of the Koran. And no that still doesn't make it right but to me that's the lessor of the two evils. Thank you for your time.
And yes DK was correct on all counts.