Originally Posted by Rekna
I guess it comes down to what is more important. Owning an assault rifle or being granted habeas corpus and a trial by jury.
So tell me which is more important the right to openly bear arms or the right to a just legal system?
....Rekna....you have just, I predict....with that one sentence question, permanently obscured the core topic of this thread....
I find it odd and disturbing that many more of us are concerned about about legal constraints on the load capacity of our firearm's ammo clips, and on the firing rates of the rounds, than we are about our allegedly accountable federal executive officials, interpreting treaties and clauses of our own constitution in ways that give them self anointed authority to "render", subject to inhumane treatment, hold indefinitely without trial or a hearing, to read our mail, listen in on and record our private conversations, to sneak into our homes and "look around", without a judge....or us....knowing that it happened....and to wage aggressive war on deliberately contrived accusation.....