where as i usually disagree with you pai mei, i do agree with you somewhat here. the biggest problem is that we don't think like we used to, one big cause is the decrease in reading and increase of TV, our attention span's have dropped significantly in the last century. this is not to say i am against all this progress, i am against the laziness this progress has imparted to our civilization. our society has stopped thinking objectively. we no longer think critically about our choices or the world around us at large, we are influenced by things that don't really matter, we have scantily clad women hawking products, they have nothing to do with dish soap, all i care about is does it cut the grease and will it not upset my psoriasis. i have to consistently ask my self, what ulterior motives are behind this, obviously advertisements want me to buy, but these ulterior motives have spanned over into places i once thought were safe; websites i thought were unbiased and i could get a fair product review are now inundated with propaganda; a good example is Digg, they were once a great site, with unbiased articles, now, we have so much crap and spam on it, the level of knowledge has dropped to a level i truly fear, post that have no merit are promoted to the front page. a few months ago, some idiot posted that AVG free was no longer going to be free, a quick look on the web page showed that the old version 7.1 was no longer going to be free, it was being replaced with 7.5, which was to be free, it was clear as day in the article, however it was dugg to the front page, a clearly inaccurate statement, but people jumped on it, thinking it was true.
if any of you have never taken a critical thinking class in college, i encourage you to take one, find the time for an evening class, it is one of the most useful classes you will ever take in your life.
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"Love is not finding the perfect person, but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." -Sam Keen