Originally Posted by lurkette
I was going to post this in the LL but thought that everyone should weigh in (no pun intended) on this.
Dove has this "Real Beauty" ad campaign that they're running, and I wholeheartedly approve. I'm sick of being shown these genetic freaks with 15% body fat and little-boy asses and told I'm supposed to look like that! Add to that the fact that I'm turning 35 this year, drifting further and further away from the "youthful ideal," and I'm getting pissed as hell about our culture's standards for "acceptable" appearance.
To be frank, I find your characterization of people who are slim/athletic to be highly objectionable and find this reverse discrimination as childish as anything you describe in the movie theatre.
I do not find it amusing, enlightening, or anything but frustrating to hear that women who happen to have a genetic inclination towards being slim or who actually don't sit around eating crates of Doritos of an evening and take care of themselves are "genetic freaks".