Originally Posted by aceventura3
The President has the responsibility to enforce laws. US Attorneys' are the "hatchetmen" of the President. Given limited resources the President sets the priorities.
Ace...thats not quite how it is described in the United States Attorneys Mission Statement:
The United States Attorneys have three statutory responsibilities under Title 28, Section 547 of the United States Code:
* the prosecution of criminal cases brought by the Federal government;
* the prosecution and defense of civil cases in which the United States is a party; and
* the collection of debts owed the Federal government which are administratively uncollectible.
Although the distribution of caseload varies between districts, each has every category of cases and handles a mixture of simple and complex litigation. Each United States Attorney exercises wide discretion in the use of his/her resources to further the priorities of the local jurisdictions and needs of their communities. United States Attorneys have been delegated full authority and control in the areas of personnel management, financial management, and procurement.
I would suggest justice is better served when the US attorneys are able to focus on their core mission of the law enforcement "priorities of the
"local jurisdiction and the needs of the community" without worrying about meeting an arbitrary standard of the political priorities of a President?
Again, I would remind you that this is the first President in 25 years to dismiss US Attorneys in mid-term for politcal reasons...IMO, an indefensible precedent to the detriment of law enforcement.