Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Well, for one, I wasn't born in the United States and, secondly, I frequently leave the country (As most of my relatives either live in England or Nigeria) so I'm not constrained to my Southern Canadian neighborhood.
Not to drag this thread too far off-topic, but from your posts you'd think that all Americans are narcissistic, hypocritical, bloodthirsty warmongers. Jeez... Have you ever been to the United States or met an American?
Obviously, at least than 50% of them are so.
Otherwise they wouldn't have voted their professional failure and bored-agin Barfly leader back into power after his first four years of fiasco after fucking fiasco. Most of them knowing full well he had committed high crimes against humanity in his evilly premeditated "War on T-u-u-r"
Then there are the flag-waving foaming-at-the-mouth faux Librul Recliner Rangers who cheer on "our boys" as they blast another black "ass" in Aye-Rack or Agfacolorstan.
"The world" declared and fought a "total war" against Germany in WW2 for far less than what this spineless little Lieutenant from the Texas Luftwaffe has done.
From memory, only about 30 odd percent of the Gemans voted for Hitler. And at least Hitler was a genuine highly decorated war hero with some miltary flair, rather than a cossetted and spineless Little Lord Fauntleroy who doesn't know his arse from his elbow.
What is America's excuse for tolerating this religiously insane witless WASP war criminal for one minute more?
And yes, I have been to America.