Mice are it for me. I've used trackballs & pads & everything since they arrived but I move between systems so frequently that I've never been able to stick with one long enough to become proficient. Even chained in my office as a developer, with Apollo-expensive funky ergo desks & keyboards, I still stuck with mice.
I don't have a brand preference. It's more about shape and movement. I hate anything with all-upward facing sides; it makes them difficult to shuffle. Tiny mice give me hand cramps, but they do fit in the briefcase more easily. Huge mice run into everything. God, the MS 6000 desktops are monstrous. I'm always knocking things around my desk or hitting the buttons on my coffee cup. Not much more annoying than that. The Logitech revolutions are a nice blend for desktop use but I've seen their range and/or susceptibility to interference drive customers nuts.
Currently, for my main desktops I'm using a MS Laptop 4000 and an old wired IBM optical in place of my 2nd MS 6000 desktop that just died (my last). Two MS laptop mice are always in my work junk (a 4000 & 6000) for laptop use, and convenience when customers have funky controls. Two because, unfortunately, as a brand MS mice have easily been the most unreliable of any I've used since the Lisa.
Oh, and any mouse that still tracks when lifted needs to be shot repeatedly, with my best Eastwood squint given to their developers for good measure.
@Jinnkai, what's with those disposable cups!