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Old 03-28-2007, 07:12 PM   #16 (permalink)
Ol' Man Mose
Location: in the hills north of Melbourne, Australia
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Hooray for the "I-hate-America-because..." posts
When and if you eventually venture out into the real world, beyond all the self-congratulatory cant in your native Southern Canada, you’ll find about five million people agree with me.

You’ll find that most of the world is at a loss to explain American’s apparent I-hate-the-non-American-world attitude.

My posts are merely meant to explain to non-narcissistic Americans why the pigeons are finally coming home to roost.

However, do worry about me unduly, Infinite Loser. I’m positive the Fascistically Correct here will silence me forever in the very near future.
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