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Old 03-28-2007, 04:28 PM   #12 (permalink)
Ol' Man Mose
Location: in the hills north of Melbourne, Australia
Originally Posted by The_Jazz
I'm going to do something unusual and turn what would be a behind-the-scenes conversation with Ol' Man Mose into something more public. The above is an oblique reference to some correspondence between he and I, for the backstory.

Ol' Man, personal opinions are what keep the Politics board chugging along. It is the meat and potatoes of this part of TFP and would not exist without everyone's personal opinions and the freedom to share them. Where you and I have run afoul in the past is personal attacks. It is fine to disagree with someone in a polite way, as you've done thus far in the thread, but it's not acceptable to be insulting, as you've done in some of our correspondence. That's all that I've ever warned you about. Subtle jabbing the staff for trying to keep a modocum of civility in this board is neither appreciated nor warranted. I trust that you'll allow us to do our jobs from here on out.

Now for what I really wanted to post anyway:

I still don't see any link between the traffic articles and your article on the nature of Protestantism. At best, one third of homeless are veterans. That leaves the vast majority as non-veterans. You seem to be trying to draw some sort of link between what could be people causing slower traffic and the Bush Administration's foreign policy. What I don't think you realize is that there were similar crackdowns in the pre-Bush era. The Chicago police famously stopped activists from helping the homeless living on Lower Wacker drive during the heat wave of 1995. Chicago's not in Texas. A close friend of mine protested a parking ticket he received in Des Moines in the early 90's while he was working for the Catholic Worker home, but he lost.

I don't see where you've drawn any sort of correlation treatment of the poor by society at large and religion. Are there religious fanatics on the Orlando police force that are demanding that homeless not be fed? Do you have any evidence to substantiate that this isn't what it apprears to be - a local traffic problem?

And I don't see any correlation between Christianity and American foreign wars, namely because there isn't an "American brand of Christianity". I think that quite the opposite is the truth - there are multiple competing brands of Christianity that ebb and flow over time. For instance, the Catholic Church is very important in some communities and virtually non-existant in others.

I need you to spell out your arguement for me better. I don't follow it at all.

So much for “private mail” eh?

As for the rest, I was sardonically SUGGESTING that the parking fines were simply a convenient justification for stopping Pinkos from feeding slothful trailer trash in a public park frequented by decent work ethic motivated worker ants.

Mea culpa, Mea culpa, Mea maxima culpa!! I will write, “Never forget Americans do not understand irony” 100 times.

It is also my considered OPINION – based on over fifty years of reading scholarly theses such as THIS – that MOST things Americans do are subconsciously influenced by a particularly rabid brand of depressing Presbyterianism, that the universally despised Puritans brought with them from the Old World, and imposed it on their fellow denizens of New World. (BTW, I was bought up to distinguish these “Scots-Irish” turncoats from the courageous Highland Caffliks by the disparaging name “Souper,” i.e. scabby-gutted scum who had sold their Scottish birthright for a bowl of English gruel.)

The nearest one can come these days to America’s long redundant, rabid brand of Protestantism elsewhere is (surprise! surprise!) Ian Paisley and his obnoxious Orange Order in Northern Ireland.

As a result of centuries of crafty Capitalists expediently encoding their Bob Crachitt-like American drones with their claptrap Calvinazi “work ethic,” today we see poor Shmooish American’s idea of getting a modicum of self-esteem is to obsequiously brown-nose their boss by working 48 hours day. And/or bombing some poor easy-beat little black, yellow, or brown bastards back to the Stone Age before carpet-bagging their country.

There, I’ve now insulted (although most folk outside of The Fourth Reich would call it talking truth to power by expressing their heartfelt opinion) the whole country!

I’m sure your self-inflated flag-waving friends will complain sufficiently to have me silenced forever.
Ol' Man Mose is offline  

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