So Dil...
What type of steel that melts or softens at low temperatures do you think they built the towers with? Any type i'm aware of would easily withstand that fire.
Regardless of how hot the flames were, to have collapsed in the manner it did is not possible.
Steel seems to be a very mysterious thing to some of you. Perhaps you've only ever seen it from a distance and never actually tried to use a cutting torch like i have. If you ever have you will notice that no matter what you do you will not weaken the steel with an acetylene or propane flame ...we don't use kerosene or jet fuel for torches but the same applies... it needs the pressurized oxygen fed to it to have any real effect. That doesn't happen with wind or still air, it needs concentrated pressure, think of a hose like you'd use to fill a tire.
Perhaps you've seen a campfire before? OK, probably not, but in case... when the wind comes up and fans the flames the fire gets hotter, your marshmallow gets cooked quicker. Any wind at the WTC would be obvious by the smoke. There wasn't much wind, Hurricane Katrina maybe could have made the fire hot enough... but more likely it'd have blown the fire out.
Try holding a proper cutting torch with that pressurized oxygen 4" away from a piece of steel and see if you can cut it.... nope? Of course not, you need to have the tip almost touching the steel so the flame isn't diluted by the air gap. If you run out of the oxygen your torch is useful only as a cigarette lighter.
You can't convince me with your 'experts' who sound more like lawyers trying to get a drunk off a DUI conviction.
But regardless of this nitpicky stuff, how can you possibly explain the whole escapade, not just one little aspect, in light of all the inconsistancies that have come to light since then. Certainly the culprits are very powerful and can affect media coverage and the agencies who'd investigate the matter.