Event Horizon has always been one of my favorite sci fi horror movies for a variety of non-specific reasons. That movie consistently scares and amuses me in just the right way. Your mileage may vary.
Evil Dead is brilliant and classic, though you may not be legitimately scared by it anymore.
Scream, likewise, is a brilliantly self-conscious movie that gets lost in its substandard progeny and the sub-genre of late '90s slasher films that it spawned. Scary Movie didn't have to rewrite anything they stole from Scream because Scream was itself a parody of movies like Halloween and Friday the 13th already. Again, it might not scare you, but it's worth a close watch.
Audition is an absolutely terrifying movie by Takashi Miike that I can't bring myself to watch again, because the first go around disturbed me so much. Go check it out!