Originally Posted by MrFriendly
Although I agree with you, do you not find it frustrating that the religious right feel the need to push their agenda onto everyone else?
While I can understand why people find it frustrating, they have to remember that one of the tenets of being an evangelical is evangelizing. Yes, evangelicals can be annoying, but only if you listen. I personally don't care what they do until it starts interfering with how I want to live my life.
Yes I find this ceremony without merit and think that ultimately it does more harm than good ([Agree]Bill O'Rights' last post[/agree]). However, it doesn't interfere with my life in any way and they are well within their rights to do so. So, If they want to parade their kids around as champions of virginity and God, then I say leave them be. Do I think it makes them bad parents with unrealistic goals, which put unnecesary pressure on their childen? Yes, but their aren't any laws against that.