This is a video everybody should see. It's about how people try to find their self, and at the same time the system tries to sort them, even the most independent fit in some category about what they buy and who do they vote.
Does this (some item for sale) help you express yourself ?
This is a trick question : it implies that you seek ways to express yourself , and with that , no matter how you express yourself you fit into the system
Expressing one's self is in fact self searching. Using products that help you "express your freedom" means that you are still inside the system
Another question :
Do you consciously try to "express yourself" with things you own/buy ?
All this "expressing" stuff is the reason for the world we see. People are taught to buy to express who they are, not to buy becouse they really need something.
It's a sad world where people think they are what they want to be if they own the product wich that "self" would own for sure.
Also people are tought how it's best to be like. Be independent ! Be strong ! Buy my new "independent and strong" toothpick, look it has "independent and strong" written on it, what more do you want ?