I suggest everyone here get your hands on a copy of Loose Change 2nd Edition. It will answer all of your questions including the "jet fuel melted the steel" theory which is quickly debunked by the fact that even fully oxygenated pure kerosene can't reach and sustain 2000 degrees Fahrenheit which is what it would take to weaken steel enough to lose it's strength to the point of bending. It can only reach 1500 degrees and like I said, it would have to be fully oxygenated from the inside of the flame, which is impossible without a source, plus it's inside of a building where the very small amount of oxygen in the air was consumed almost instantly. The reality is the fuel inside that building burned closer to 800 degrees or didn't burn at all, just smoldered.
random facts;
-jet fuel is nothing more than refined kerosene and those "turbo-heater" space heaters are nothing more than jet engines
-structural steel melts at roughly 2700F
Without air, there is no fire.
Loose Change can be found on any torrent site. If you're torrent illiterate I may be willing to allow some to download it from me. I don't have a lot of monthly "bandwidth" so even a couple downloads is going to put me well over my transfer limit.
pearls ain't free