Anyone work at Lowe's?
The Story.....
On Jan. 4th, I started working for a little company installing insulation. This little company is owned by a larger corp. Anyhow, the original boss that hired me left on Feb. 9th, leaving the daughter of the Tucson branch (bigger branch) to run things. The problem? Ever since her taking over, things have gone steadily downhill. Equipment troubles still plague us, the checks have gotten steadily smaller (partly due to equipment troubles) despite an upward trend in jobs, overtime has been cut down a lot, and the management aspect in general is nearly not there. (She's only in a couple days a week.) She held a meeting 2 weeks ago about what's bugging everybody. Big, big issue was that there were hardly enough loose gear to go around (ladders mainly). Still, 2 weeks later, NOTHING has been done about it, and it's a fight just to find a stinkin' ladder to do our job with. Even informed management about a ladder sale that the Home Depot was having.
So now there's at least 3 guys definately getting ready to move on, and there's talk of the "most valuable" 3 guys jumping ship. Keeping in mind that there are only 10 installers, this would nearly put me in a position of seniority after only 3 months.
Now, I'm new to the whole workforce thing (20 yrs self employed), but I'm no fool either. When I see the older rats running to jump ship, I have to think that there's something to it. So last nite I applied for the local (not yet open) Lowe's. One of the other installers is definately going there and was very optimistic. Me, after my own experience with the Big Orange Box (interviewed, but was NEVER called back....) I'm a bit more sceptical.
Just wondering if any of you have worked there, what it was like, etc.
"No laws, no matter how rigidly enforced, can protect a person from their own stupidity." -Me-
"Some people are like Slinkies..... They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." -Unknown-
DAMMIT! -Jack Bauer-