Originally Posted by DaveMatrix
I have to agree, this show was fantastic at first. Now it does seem like the X-files or one of the sci-fi channels terrible movies. Is everyone going to end up being be a cylon??? P-lease!
Bleh. Are you kidding? The show was OK in the beginning. So many characters underdeveloped, and a cliche robot storyline made it middle of the road. But now its easily one of the best shows on TV.
So Starbuck is the 5th cylon right?
As far as the song All along the watchtower I think that was programmed into them when they were first created so that when the get near earth they could figure it out. (all to fulfill some sort of destiny)
does anyone know where I can re listen to the new one they used in the show? I checked youtube and nothing. Though interestingly there was the original with a montage of the early scenes when they escaped new caprica. EVeryone's calling him a cylon, pretty funny. (just do a search for BSG and all along the watchtower)