Originally Posted by Rekna
Lets say you are in the white house press room working for some media outlet, it is your last day of work before you retire (so you don't have to worry about being fired), and Bush calls on you for a question. What question would you ask and why?
That's kinda disturbing. Those of us who cover, among other things, politics, don't worry about getting fired for asking legitimate questions. It's getting Bush to actually listen to and answer those questions that's the tough part. The man likes to hide from the press.
"Over the last few years you and your administration has made a series of statements that at later dates were proven inaccurate and sometimes outright lies. For example it was said that the firings were because of poor performance but that was shown as a lie, then it was said Gonzales knew nothing of the firings but now it comes out he signed off on them and had at least one meeting specifically about them. There are many more examples throughout your administration. This fact in addition to your unwillingness to let your people testify under oath is concerning. Is the message we really want to send to our kids that it is ok to lie as long as you are not under oath?"
Nah, that'll get "Reports that this administration was untruthful are inaccurate." They'll lie about lying. They always do. If you call them on something, they pretend you never said anything.
The angle to go on is bin Laden. We know bin Laden attacked us. Why haven't we gotten him yet?