Funny story:
When I was in University - oh say late 1980's - long before digital cameras, I was dating an incredibly beautiful woman. We decided to take poloroid photos of each other in the buff.
I think I had about 3 or 4 or her in the nude, a couple of grainy penetration shots, and she had about 3 of my dick (which she put in her locker down at McMaster -discretely behind a poster.
Anyhoo, I had showed her where I hid the photos of us in the event that I was killed by a bus.
One time, we had one of those temporary break ups. One of the first things she said to me was, "I want the photos back". I said sure, but I want my dick pics back too.
I remember she stormed off and I got to thinking that she would make an end run around me and head up to my parent's house. I called my sister and told her a half truth - "If she shows up at the house, don't let her in".
Well she showed up all right, not 5 minutes after I called and told my unsuspecting FATHER that she was there to pick up a book from my room.
Of course he let her in, I'd been dating her for 2 years by that point. She made a bee-line for the hiding spot, picked up her task, and hit the road.
I'll give her credit where credit was due.
We ended up getting back together, but the photos went up in smoke.
It was good in that I am sure that given the nature of our eventual break up (brutal) that I would have done something really stupid with those photos that I would surely regret now.
It was bad because I lost something that I can not recapture. I think I was 20 and she was 19 when we took those photos. We were young, beautiful, and sexual innocents. So much has happened to me since then. I wish I could take a look at those photos now from time to time. I loved her so much it wasn't funny.
Like the guy said, all I get is the memories.