Originally Posted by shakran
I think you need to review the video footage of that day. The top of the tower was intact as it fell. Only after it hit the ground did it pulverize.
I hope that this will clear up any confusion on either side of this.
- Most of the fuel burned up in the initial impact in the cases of both towers, and also the Pentagon. This was made evident from the large balls of fire visible in the various videos taken that morning. In order to understand this, one must imagine when a gas can explodes. If anyone has ever exploded a gas can, one knows that while there is some residual fire after the initial explosion, the vast majority of the fuel is ignited instantly and cannot burn for more than a few seconds. Likewise, when the planes hit the towers and the Pentagon, most of the fuel burned up withing a few seconds. The impacts would have instantly punctured the fuel containers in the wings, causing much of the fuel to splatter and ignite in a loose form. What little fuel was left did cause fires inside the buildings, as was evident by the smoke, but one must also take into account the amount of smoke....
- Over the course of the hour or so that each building burned, it was clear by video evidence that the smoke coming from each building was not increasing, but was in fact decreasing quickly. Any firefighter can attest to this being a clear indicator that the fire is dying down, and that it's usually on it's way out. Please feel free to contact your local fire department to verify this, as I did. To be clear, the fires going out means that the high temperature would not have been reinforced by a continuing blaze; the temperature would have begun dropping quickly.
- According to the
Journal of Australian Fire Investigators, kerosene ignites at around 444°F. The temperature that the fire will eventually reach depends on both the combustion rate (based on O2) and the rate at which heat can be disbursed in the given scenario. Again, any firefighter can explain from experience and training that the black, sooty smoke (like that found on 9/11 at the WTC towers) were O2 deprived. Again, please contact professionals to verify this if you wish. In an oxygen deprived environment, higher temperatures cannot be reached. You can test this yourself by comparing a match in the open vs. a match in a bottle with a very small hole.
- Each WTC tower had roughly 200,000 tons of steel. As I'm sure Dilbert can verify, steel is a very good conductor of heat. When one applies heat to a small area of a large steel structure, that heat will disperse and spread quickly throughout the whole of the structure.
- In
data provided by the Corus Construction Centre, the usual safety margins for construction, the WTC towers could have easily withstood fires reaching and exceeding temperatures of 1022°F.
- According to Dr. Shayam Sunder, the Cheif of NIST Materials and Construction Systems Division,
"Now, several of you have heard about or thought about the fact that the jet fuel would have burned, caused the building to burn, and probably think the jet fuel played the sole role in the fires. The jet fuel acted much like a matchstick. It was something that spread throughout the building in those affected floors and caused ignition of the fires. But the jet fuel itself burnt in a matter of minutes, within less than ten minutes. So what burned over the next hour, or hour and a half, was really the contents of the buildings, the everyday contents of the buildings."(warning, .pdf file...but notice that it is from the official NIST.gov site). This is further indication, and from someone who is more expert than most, that the jet fuel itself would have burned off in "less than ten minutes".
I'll add more later, for sure, but I wanted to clear up just a few points so that we're all on the same page. Everyone have a great weekend, and CB_Brooklyn welcome to the site.