Been on vaccation... sorry.
OK, overall composition and "story"... very well done. I could tell instantly that this was Christene. I like the angle of the whole thing that translates a sence of action or danger.
Things that could translate a bit better....
The runner... looks like he's not running for his life, more like he's jogging in the park. A more extreme pose would work better. Burne Hogarth (although I'm not a BIG fan of his style) is good at capturing action and and urgency in poses, check out his work, he has a book called Dynamic Figure Drawing (or similar) that would be worth looking at. The way you have lit the figure is good, don't change that.
The brick wall... the single gradient isn't working for me. I'd color each brick individually (still going from a light to dark) but enough to see individual variences in bricks.
Night sky... Go 90% black, not blue against a 100% black skyline.
As for the car itself, very well done. Great work there, you'll only get better. And like already mentioned, the composition works well, don't change that.
If you have any poo... fling it NOW!