Originally Posted by Elphaba
Samcol, I am responding to your post, but also to the whole of the Politics participants.
What makes you and anyone else believe that nothing else is going on? Two weeks ago, the count of committee driven investigations was at 52! Dayum, people! There is so much going on, but you don't notice if our press isn't on it? Why does anyone continue to count on our commercially owned press to report factually and neutrally? The eight fired US attorneys have taken up all of your attention at the expense of the privacy abuses by the FBI, reported a week ago.
My God, what does it take to hold the attention of our citizens? A friggin' week and a diversion is obviously too long to sustain our attention on another criminal violation of our privacy.
Stop bitching about what is worthy of attention and finally do something proactive for a change.
Again, what has the Democratic congress accomplished other than going after this administration for firing attorneys...
Pelosi already said impeachment is not on the table, when Bush has committed worse than impeachable offenses.
They are the comprimised, weak, do nothing party. Which of these 52 investigations involves impeachment and treason?
I come to my original question pre-election, why vote for Democrats over Independents or Libertarians?
If you have an answer, I'll be suprised.
I guess I'll vote Democrat next election though because apparently there are 52 investigations on the floor... (no matter that they are investigating nothing relevent)