I can sum up my question, my thesis and my answer all in one sentence, which is as follows: Can you prove or disapprove the existence of God?
The answer is simple. The theists can't prove the existence of God to the satisfaction of the atheists, and the atheists can's disprove His existence to the satisfaction of the theists. Its always a stalemate.
Some may go on and on in an attempt to prove their point, but long posts don't prove anything except ones persistence. Its a personal choice, so I'll tell you exactly what I told my daughter. Decide for yourself. Weigh both sides carefully, gather as much information as you can, and make up your own mind. Don't believe me, your friends, books, or lectures, but approach them all with an open mind, then make your decision. If it feels right for you, if your heart says this is it, then that's whats for you.