Originally Posted by pan6467
We have the Dems. looking at this as a way to get Bush, Bush going totally power mad.
Yes, Bush has gone too far and needs to be spanked. But I foresee a replay of Clinton's years where nothing gets done to forward the nation.
1) how would you propose to "spank" him if we don't get the evidence required to do so?
2) Nothing is going to get done to forward the nation anyway. We're not talking about a smart or capable leader. We're talking about Bush here. His only interest is in deluding himself that it's possible for him to still win in Iraq. That's all he's focused on.
admit problems and WORK with Congress so that issues can be dealt with fastly and they can all move on and do what we elected them to do,
Be nice if he did that, but then it'd be nice if Michael Jackson wasn't a child molesting lunatic. Some people are just who they are.
just resign and admit you had no idea what happened but you take responsibility
That won't happen. This is one man who fundamentally cannot admit that his vision is wrong.
or continue what you are doing, not getting anything done, spending BILLIONS upon BILLIONS by the time this is all over and lose any chance your party has to get the Presidency or Congress back in '08.
That's exactly what's going to happen, with one caveat. If the dems get stupid and float Clinton for president, I think they stand an excellent chance of losing. I for one would not vote for her.
What happened to Presidents and Congresses that actually worked and put out bills that were meant to help the country.
You mean like Clinton and his universal healthcare plan? Or Clinton and his slashes to the deficit? I'll tell you what happened. Partisan hacks spent millions of dollars and wasted years of time trying to get him for stupid crap instead of sitting back and acknowledging that the man was getting shit done.
Now, all they care about is fighting each other.... nothing gets done and we continue to freefall..... while they all play their fiddles and watch Rome burn.
The "republicans" (I use that word in quotes because the idiots in government right now are not republicans, but are neo-conservatives masquerading as republicans) are solidly, 100%, firmly in the wrong here. Are you suggesting that in the name of "getting things done" the democrats should just roll over and let the neo-cons have their way?