depends on who does the defining: many people consider atheism to have several gradations; usually these definitions are within the atheist community itself.
strong atheist: god.does.not.exist.period.
weak atheist: does not believe in god. is not theistic. does not say that god absolutely can not exist. also does not necessarily say that no knowledge about god can be gained.
agnostic: does not believe that the existence of god can ever be determined
so a lot of people put the weak atheists and the agnostics together, because they both lack a belief in god. in fact, they really are kind of separate but related positions. one on the belief or lack thereof in deities, one about whether such knowledge is possible.
now ritesign, what sort of nefarious tricks are you up to...with your sweet sweet words and your tricksy questions? to understand better, are you arguing to mathematically reduce god/gods / mathematical proofs? and are you taking the position that a failure to know everything about god/gods/my shoelaces means that you can't know anything about god/gods/my shoelaces. are you still lining up some satanic litigation here?
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style