Curator is all about positioning and control. Even though he's timered you should have NO PROBLEM making the 10 minute mark if your raid is in a mix of 70 instance gear and pre-curator Kara gear. Seriously, you can basically ignore that part of the fight.
You want FEW melee for this fight because his hit box isn't all that big and you don't want them chaining together up there. We have 1 tank in arcane resist gear to be a hateful bolt tank and 1 tank in normal defense gear to tank the guy. Both tanks need to go hard. Our one rogue is primarily in charge of running around killing the little charges that spawn. Have healers and ranged DPS spread out in a 200 degree-ish arc with a comfortable amount of room between both the melee area and each other. If you're getting more than 1 chain, people are too close. ALL ranged dps pulls off him and kills the charges ASAP then can return to him between spawns. During evocate, make sure the spawn is dead and then blow all CDs on him.
At 15% have your MT pop shield wall and have your healers spot heal on everyone else. Put all your dps on him and burn. He'll drop quick.