Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
I didn't comment on this earlier, but now that someone has brought it up Spoiler: the entire spear thing made absolutely no sense at all. In what possible universe would you deliberately choose to wound your enemy to "show he's not a god" instead of killing him, which both, uh, kills him AND shows he not a god. I'm pretty sure you'd do a better job of demoralizing an army by killing their leader who they all believe to be a god than by simply cutting him and making him feel sheepish and vulnerable. I think you're right, YW, I don't think that spear was ever meant to kill him. I think it was a direct follow up to the "you will bleed" comment from earlier. When that comment was made I was like "oooh badass." The way it played out was horribly unfulfilling and I didn't feel like it made any sense. Ah well.
He may have just missed like Sultana said, but I would rather believe that it was intentional. He knew that if Xerxes was killed then it wouldn't really do any good because there would be some other person to say "oh now I am a god king" or some such nonsense, but if his holier-than-thou attitude was broken but he was left alive it would leave a king that wasn't feared by his people anymore which would loosen his grip on them. Thats just my interpritation of it though. His comment about making him bleed fulfilled its purpose to me and I still think it was badass. 
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