This could only happen to me. Help!
So, I take my friends advice and call my credit card company to try and get them to lower the APR.
They initially said ok, but then realized that I still have a student card, and that the APR is as low as a student card can go. Since I have graduated, they recomended that I change to a regular card.
Then they say they cant do that without closing my student account and opening another (regular) account. In other words they said they cant just switch it.
So I cancell my student account and apply for the regular account.
Regular account application denied. Not good.
Ive been a member since 2003 in good standing but aparently my debt to income ratio is too high.
Fine, just open my student account back up and we can just forget about this.
"oh, im sorry, I am unable to open your student account back up, it has been cancelled".
"your balance of 5445.00 dollars is due April 7th, have a nice day"
Really NOT GOOD.
Yea, where the heck am I going to come up with 5 grand in 2 weeks. My debt to income ratio is too high for a personal loan, I dont own a home and I cant borrow from anyone.
What should I do? Im in a pickle. A big fat dill pickle.
there is no absolute, only the moment.