Originally Posted by Redjake
But we were lead to believe that they were so great. Just because they weren't an a "tactical advantage" means they all Spoiler: get slaughtered? And what was with the spear? Talk about a downer when he just nicked him instead of impaling him. Just didn't work. The Leonydis we grow up with in the film would have divided up the 300 into sections of 150, and had them fight back-to-back or something, covering both passage ways into their stronghold.
It doesn't work like that. A main tactic of the spartans was their phalanx. In a phalanx, each spartan protects the man to his left. As Leonidas clearly desribed in the movie, this is a "single impenetrable unit." If any part of the phalanx is broken "the phalanx shatters." Also, as pixelbend pointed out, there were not 300 soldiers by the end of the movie. There were very few in fact. So around 40 soldiers, surrounded, forced to fight ground troops from all sides while covering arrow fire from above. Even if there were 300 spartans left, the result still would have been the same. Without the advantage, they were screwed. Still very dangerous, but a far cry from any chance of winning.
Originally Posted by Redjake
And don't drop the ""heart of the movie/subtle and unspoken message" bit. 300 is not that type of movie. It wanted to be, and it wasn't. Any film with filler substance to gap the fighting scenes has no worthy "hidden message."
This reminds me of what you said earlier...
Originally Posted by Redjake
You might say, "But Redjake, the movie is just a GUY MOVIE! It's just a violent, ACTION MOVIE! What did you expect? Shawshank Redemption?"
Yes, I did. Because the movie portrays itself as Shawshank Redemption, The Matrix, and Gladiator mixed together.
The movie never hinted at being any of those things; those were connections you placed. Such an expectation of the movie was derived from the hype given to it by others.
You're right, there are is not a hidden message. Instead, there is a core to the movie which roots itself in the Spartan's actions. Its not just a CRAZY ACTION MOVIE WITH A FEW BADASS GUYS SLAUGHTERING HELLA MORE GUYS WITH HEAVY METAL, OMGZ!!. If you didn't get that, its fine since it can be viewed as I just described it.
Originally Posted by Redjake
It just didn't feel right. And don't accuse me of not paying attention to movies! The climax was every bit of an anti-climax. I was paying attention, but it was all wrong. I understood every piece of info you just told me, it just didn't flow
I can understand why you saw faults in continuity if you didn't understand the movie. You could blame Frank Miller for failing to help show you, and Zack Snyder for failing tl portray those apects of Miller's story. However,
there were subtleties to the movie. By there very nature, they cannot be completely obvious since they are not directly highlighted, but instead untouched upon by speach, making it an underlying core of the movie. I had to watch it twice to entirely identify it.