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Old 03-18-2007, 11:56 AM   #19 (permalink)
Lady Sage
Mistress of Mayhem
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Location: Canton, Ohio
My mothers father(my grandfather) killed his mistress and then killed himself. It really hurt my mom and her 8 siblings and 2 half siblings. I hate him for hurting her like that.

I went to high school with a boy who came home to find his mother in the basement. She had just found out that she had inoperable brain cancer and decided to use a gun.

I understand where you are coming from, you would do anything to keep your baby girl from hurting. You want to protect her from ever being hurt by anything for any reason. Unfortunately you cant. Be there for her, hug her if she will let you. Know that she will come out of this a stronger woman for having dealt with it. I have faith in her and yourself that this can be overcome and you can move on. Perhaps this experience will turn into something positive? Perhaps your daughter will become a suicide prevention counselor. Go on to make a difference in saving lives.

We are here to support you in any way we can. A shoulder to cry on or a sounding board if you need to vent your anger, anguish and or frustration. Use us when you need to. Please dont hold it in!

With your blessings I would light a candle if you like. I tend to pray a little different than the average Joe/Jane,
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