Originally Posted by ngdawg
That saying never did make any sense to me....
It never did to me either, until someone told me to reverse it: "you can't eat your cake and have it too". That makes more sense to me.
Speaking of which, i think that this is generally only an important question to ask if the cake in question is of the cheese variety. I used to be a baker and very few plain cakes impress me anymore. I like having cheesecake to eat, but i also like eating it. Sometimes these two things conflict. The simple answer is to go out an buy more cheesecake, but shit, i'm not made of money and coffee is more important than cake any day so if i were to go anywhere it would be to get more coffee. It all comes down to whether i want to have cheesecake be a sure thing in my near future or whether i want to savor the flavor the sweet texture of sugared cream cheese right now. The real fact of the matter is that i'd much rather just have more delicious black coffee.